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Hartford Public High School

FIRST Sponsorship Proposal

The Birds of Prey, Team 181


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Primary Sponsors:

Pratt & Whitney




The Robert E. Morris Company
Fox 61
The Hartford
Donated Food
Taco Bell
Stop & Shop
Trout Brook Brewery
Hometown Buffet
Lena's Pizza



Birds of Prey


This year, Hartford Public High School will participate for the fourth time in the F.I.R.S.T. (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) program. We are asking for your assistance with respect to money donations of $100 or more.

The goal of this program is to promote interest and excellence in math, science, and technology, as well as building important skills such as leadership and teamwork. Joining forces with engineers from United Technologies/Pratt & Whitney, students design and build a robot to execute the functions necessary to participate in the competition. From video production to mechanical engineering, the students are exposed to a variety of career fields, and at the same time, develop long-lasting friendships. Our students develop the skills that are essential in making up successful employees.

In 2000 FIRST Robotics Team participated locally and nationally. Our team, Bird’s of Prey, placed 8th out of 44 teams at the UTC New England Regional held at the Meadows Music Theater in Hartford, CT. At the regional competition, we were recipients of the Judges Award for Innovation for the use of palm pilots. In the National Competition, held at Walt Disney World, Florida, we placed 14th out of 207 teams and our robot’s design won the prestigious Xerox Award for Innovation in design.

Our program would like to remain a driving force in the Hartford community. We directly impact inner city youth with the values of teamwork, community service, and goal settings. These values have given Hartford Public High School students a sense of purpose and pride in their school, their community and their area businesses. We would like to continue our progress with this program and we need your help. We are looking for financial support.

Last year we raised $10,000 and this year’s goal is to raise $30,000. These funds will give approximately 30 students transportation to the regional and national competition. It costs about $1,000 per student to participate in this inspiring program. Without these funds students would not be able to participate and benefit from this great program. Our team hopes your company will support us this year in whatever way possible thus far. Thank you! We hope to affix your logo to our robot, our t-shirts and our team yearbook for this year. The national competition will be showed worldwide on ESPN.


Birds Of Prey



Level of Sponsorship

$100 Hartford Public HS FIRST Robotics Team will provide:

Company’s name in the team brochure
Company’s name on team web site under appropriate level of sponsorship

$500 Hartford Public HS FIRST Robotics Team will provide:

Company’s name on the robot transporter
Company’s name in the team brochure
Company’s name on team web site under appropriate level of sponsorship

$1,000 Hartford Public HS FIRST Robotics Team will provide:

Company’s name on the robot transporter
Company’s name in the team brochure
Company’s name on the team website under appropriate level of sponsorship
Company’s name on team banner to be hung at all competitions

$2,500 Hartford Public HS FIRST Robotics Team will provide:

Company’s name on the robot transporter
Company’s name in the team brochure
Company’s name on team banner to be hung at all competitions
Company’s name/logo on team website under appropriate level of sponsorship
Company’s name/logo on T-shirt at ¾" height

$5,000+ Hartford Public HS FIRST Robotics Team will provide:

Company’s name on the robot transporter
Company’s name in the team brochure
Company’s name on team banner to be hung at all competitions
Company’s name/logo on team website under appropriate level of sponsorship
Company’s name/logo on T-shirt at 1 and ½" height
Company’s name/logo on "thank you" poster from students
Company’s name/logo in Hartford Public’s PowerPoint presentation