2000 Atlas


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The 2000 gameb was structured similar to the 1999 consisting of a qualifying and a elimination matches. Teams will be paired randomly in alliances in the qualifying rounds, working together to try to win the match. Alliances win and lose as a single unit and the points scored is applied to both teams in the alliance. Top eight scoring teams in the Regional Competitions and the top sixteen teams in the National Competition select allies from the remaining teams for the elimination matches.

The field is 24x48 feet, with two goals in the center of the field separated by a ramp.Points are scored by each alliance by placing thirteen inch diameter balls, inflated to diameter not pressure, in the appropriate goals and placing the robot in designated areas at the end of the match. Points are appointed as follows:

Each yellow ball is worth 1 pt.

Each black ball is worth 5 pts.

Robot completely on ramp is worth 5 pts.

Robot hanging on horizontal bar is worth 10 pts.

group pic.JPG (83003 bytes)             Seniors1.bmp (434270 bytes)

blackball.JPG (49881 bytes)             181.JPG (51848 bytes)

tunnel.JPG (64044 bytes)             amy&ramone.JPG (53476 bytes)

Atlas in pit.jpg (104215 bytes)             cheering.JPG (45279 bytes)